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StudyBuddy Preference Quiz

Study programs tailored to your preferences

Let your StudyBuddy match your preferences to the perfect study program in Germany!

  • Define your study preferences such as budget, extracurriculars & more
  • Get instant program matches, carefully selected from over 2,500 options
  • AI-powered recommendations tailored to fit your preferences
StudyBuddy Preference Quiz

Find your perfect match!

StudyBuddy’s smart course-matching technology analyzes your preferences to connect you with the ideal study courses.

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It's great to have you here! What field of study interests you the most?

You're free to select multiple options.

Fantastic! Is there a specific subject that has already caught your interest within your selected field(s)?

Subjects are more specific than fields of study e.g. Automotive Engineering, Data Science. If you don't know the name of your subject, you can instead enter your interests e.g. I like to work with cars and want to become an Engineer.
You can also skip by clicking NEXT.

Which degree level are you aiming for?

Bachelor's lays the foundation, while Master's deepens expertise in a specific field.
Please select one option.

How important is studying at a university with a strong reputation and ranking?

Please choose one option or skip by clicking NEXT.

Let’s discuss finances: What tuition fee amount are you comfortable covering each semester?

Please select one option

How important is a low cost of living to you?

Please choose one option or skip by clicking NEXT.

How important is it to have a big community from your home country at the university?

Please choose one option or skip by clicking NEXT.

How important is it to be located close to an international airport?

Please choose one option or skip by clicking NEXT.

Is it important that your university provides extracurricular activities? If yes, please specify.

Extracurriculars are non-academic activities you can pursue during your studies.

Any other requests?

Let us know if there's anything else you want considered when recommending study programs.

Get your study program recommendations for free

To access your recommendations, we'll need your email. This helps us support you every step of the way as you embark on your journey to study in Germany!

Thanks! What’s next?

Something exciting is on its way! Check your inbox in a minute or two for the link to your results.

Your StudyBuddy

Meet the StudyBuddy Preference Quiz

Your personal assistant to help you find the perfect study course in Germany! Whether you're interested in an MBA, a master’s in computer science, or a bachelor’s in international business, we know that choosing the right program can be overwhelming. Share your preferences, and your StudyBuddy will suggest the best course matches. Maybe it’s the energy of a big city, access to sports facilities, or a university with a strong research focus, whatever matters most to you.

The StudyBuddy Preference Quiz scans over 2,500 top programs across fields like business administration, engineering, environmental sciences, and more to present you with tailored recommendations. 


How does it work?

With the Studybuddy Preference Quiz, finding the perfect study program in Germany is quick, easy, and personalized to fit exactly what you’re looking for.


Tell Us Your Study Goals

Choose your ideal field of study, from business administration to engineering or computer science, and let your StudyBuddy do the rest.


Refine Your Preferences

Select specific preferences, such as university size, city vibe, proximity to an airport, tuition fees, and more, to help you find your perfect program in Germany.


Get Your Course Matches

Your intelligent StudyBuddy analyzes your responses in real-time and prepares a curated list of courses in Germany tailored to your goals!

How does it benefit me?

For international students ready to study in Germany, the StudyBuddy Preference Quiz offers:


Quick, Tailored Matches

Get customized course options in Germany based on your study goals and lifestyle preferences.


Stress-Free Selection

Skip hours of searching; Your StudyBuddy curates top German programs for you in minutes.


Study Goals in Focus

Whether you want a business program in a large city or an engineering course with no tuition fee, find your best match effortlessly.


Results You Can Save

Get a personalized link to your study program matches in Germany, sent straight to your inbox, making it easy to explore and compare your options.