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Darmstadt University of Applied Science


Animation & Game

Subjects: Games;Animation;Entertainment

B.A. | Bachelor of Arts

&Բ; Duration
7 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
Ю&Բ; Application Fee non-EU
No information

Ю&Բ; Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
337.0 EUR

Ю&Բ; Tuition Fees per Semester
No Tuition Fee
Application Deadline Summer
No information

Application Deadline Winter

Course description

Animation and Game is an international and interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree program with a strong practical focus. This practice-oriented and project-based program is taught in English, preparing students for careers in the global media and entertainment industry. Students must choose between two specializations. The “Technology” (TeC) specialization emphasizes the technical development and production of animations and games. It provides a deep understanding of modern graphics programming and the creation of art through technology. Students gain knowledge in game engines, game design, technical art, software architecture and development, various programming languages, real-time graphics programming, key aspects of computer science, generative AI, procedural asset generation, and creative software tools.

Program Information

Study Location Dieburg
Start Semester Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Undergraduate
Teaching Language English
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU No information
Study Length 7 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester No Tuition Fee
Cost per Semester 337.0 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
Application Start Summer
No information

Application Deadline Summer
No information
Application Start Winter

Application Deadline Winter

Application Requirements

Language Requirements

IELTS No information
Cambridge (CAE) No information
TOEFL IBT No information

proof of English language proficiency at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must have a University Entrance Certificate (HZB) valid in Germany and they must give proof of English language proficiency at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Moreover applicants must pass the Animation and Game Entrance Examination for the chosen specialization “Technology” or “Art and Design”. It is not possible to apply for both specializations at the same time. Applicants are expected to have achieved one of the following school-leaving qualifications: general higher education entrance qualification subject-specific higher education entrance qualification advanced technical college certificate

Document Requirements

1) Portfolio Form Complete the Portfolio Form provided at the end of this document (page 4). IMPORTANT: Make sure to indicate the specialization of study (“Technology” or “Art & Design”) you wish to apply for. The Portfolio Form includes a specification of the work sample projects you submit in your Digital Portfolio. Make sure to provide the required information in a readable form and identify third party elements/contributions used for your submissions correctly. Don't forget to sign the Declaration of Authorship. Failure to do so leads to exclusion from the Entrance Examination. 2) Curriculum vitae in English language Please include in the CV experiences (work experience or internships) and skills (e.g. software skills) related to the field of study, as well as civic activities (e.g. volunteering) if applicable. 3) Motivation statement Explain your motivation to study Animation and Game in the chosen specialization in English language on a separate typed sheet. Length: ca. 2300 characters including spaces. Your motivation statement should address the following points: • Give a brief outline of your experiences so far in the field of animations and games and in which way they influenced your decision to apply for the Animation and Game program and the chosen specialization. • What are your career goals and in which way do you expect the Animation and Game program will support you in reaching these goals? • Which aspects and features of the Animation and Game program do you consider particularly interesting and relevant? • Name your particular personal strengths, skills and talents which in your opinion qualify you for studying Animation and Game in the chosen specialization. 4) Digital portfolio with 3 work samples The 3 work samples should be projects related to the field of animations and games and to the chosen specialization. More information regarding the digital portfolio can be found on the BA Animation and Game program website under: ag.mediencampus.h-da.de. Please closely observe the following portfolio guidelines: • You may submit a maximum of 3 digital work samples. However, each work sample can be a project consisting of several related elements. • If you submit a digital game, you must include a gameplay video as well as a playable build. • If you submit 3D models include rendered images or turntable videos from all angles, accompanied by wireframe representations showcasing the conceptual approach. • It is advisable to not only submit the final result of a project work. Additionally you should include significant conceptual steps which document your methodological, creative and technical approach and illustrate the broader vision of the project • Put all elements belonging to the same work sample project in a folder in an organized and accessible manner (order, file names) • Make sure that all files run flawlessly and use common industrial standard file formats

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Admission Exam
Application directly at the University,
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